This painting started it all.

I remember growing up thinking what a great artist my brother Jeff was. He could draw beautifully and I wished that I could do the same. I didn’t feel that I had that type of artistic talent. Looking back, I see that it was my own self doubt that kept me from giving it a try. My artistic side was active in other ways. I was an accomplished musician, enjoyed the creative side of fashion, and as I got older, I developed an interest and a talent in interior design. Despite that, I would still tell myself that I wasn’t artistic at all.
One of my fondest memories growing up, was watching my mother paint. I found it so fascinating, seeing a picture come to life on a blank canvas. I wanted to do that! But life has a habit of getting in the way, keeping us all so busy. My focus was on other things and I didn’t think about art for a very long time.
Then one day I decided that it was time. I decided that I was going to try my hand at painting. The picture below was my very first attempt. While I don’t consider it an amazing painting, creating it brought me joy and a sense of accomplishment. It gave me hope that I could do this. So I began the journey. I took a few classes and painted when a subject inspired me. Street scenes seemed to be my forte. I’ll share some of those early paintings here at a later time. Despite this early enthusiasm I let myself get frustrated and distracted. I put painting aside.
A couple of years ago, I started redecorating our home. I was looking for art that was modern and abstract to complement my design ideas. Looking at all those abstract paintings, I said “I can paint this!” I was inspired again and the next stage of my painting journey had begun. I started painting abstract designs, experimenting with different techniques, and finding a style to call my own. And, true to my original goal, we now have several of my paintings hanging in our lovely home.
Over time, my painting inventory grew larger and larger and I branched into making jewelry, but I didn’t want to stop. So I have decided to share my creations with you, hoping that that my painting can bring a bit of joy into your homes just as they have in ours.
Wish me luck on my journey. I hope that you enjoy my art and that my journey can inspire those of you that have been thinking about exploring you own artistic sides to overcome your fears and doubts and make a start.
Good luck with your own creative journeys!